Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kliefoth cuts to the quick...

in the third part of the first of his eight volumes entitled "Liturgical Essays" [Liturgishe Abhandlung]. Check out this very rough translation of the first page. And watch Kliefoth play the Polonius ("without getting specifically into this let me get specifically into what I won't get specifically get into") And yes...the last sentence is all one sentence. Any ideas about how to chop this up into respectable English?

The ritual order [Anordnung] of ordination is condition by the concept and significance of ordination, and this by the concept and significance of the Office of the Church.
Recently, a profound difference has emerged within the Lutheran Church over the doctrine of the Office. This cannot be the place to go specifically into this difference. Admittedly, however, we will have to take our position in regard to this impending question: our pursuit of the matter will sufficiently lay out how we do this, why we do this the way we do it. Superfluously we want to confess beforehand, that the position which conceives the Office of the Means of Grace as a product and arrangement of the common priesthood of all Christians, which only allows for the Lord to have established a function of the administration of the Means of Grace, but not a certain ministry entrusted to certain person, according to which opinion [welcher- antecedent?] the mandate of the administration of the means of grace is not given to the Church as to a membered body with the provision that it must have a office for this, but rather is given to the congregregation [Gemeinde], that the congregation may at its discretion and expediency form an office from itself, and which opinion consequently views the congregation as the bearer of the office of the means of grace and the pastor as mandatary of the congregation –that we cannot go into this position or the circle of opinions about Church and the Office of the Church that in part undergird this position and in part result from it.

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